CAROL Astrology 2007

Hey :
Check it out. I was boarded in my office. And I went on Astrology web site. 
Here is the result about you and me.    I think it is fun and kind of true, specially the last part.
what do you think it ? 
carol's Sun Conjunct mike's Sun:

     You strongly identify with each other and are very much alike in important ways. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. An innate appreciation and understanding of one another's essence exists between you, and this is vitalizing and ego-affirming for both of you. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. The more you accept yourself, the more beneficial and delightful your relationship with one another is.

carol's Sun Opposition mike's Neptune:

     There is a strong tendency to be unrealistic in your perceptions and expectations of each other. Bitter disappointments and a loss of trust and confidence in one another can arise. To prevent this from happening, you both must strive be scrupulously honest with each other, and refrain from "playing games", exaggerating or hiding things from one another. If handled positively, this astrological influence can inspire higher ideals and altruism in both of you.

mike's Sun Trine carol's Pluto:

     carol helps mike achieve personal goals, activate mike's latent talents and strengths, and encourages and promotes mike's creative work and endeavors. You can be a very successful duo. However, carol can be more driving and ambitious for mike than mike is, like the "stage mother" who pushes her child to shine and to excel even when it is not the child's own aspiration. carol can have a profound influence on mike, most likely for the good, but possibly not. Subtle manipulation and domination on carol's part should be avoided.


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